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Paola USD 368

Paola Middle


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Student Council

At Paola Middle School, Student Council is a unique leadership team. We represent the student body and do our best to follow through with positive changes. We also put forth great effort to display pride in our school by promoting activities that inspire students to do well in and out of the classroom.


Student Council was reinstated for the school year of 2006-2007 here at the middle school and since then, we have succeeded in organizing a number of activities. These include Staff Appreciation Week and providing treats for students during state assessments. In addition, we organize Reward Day, a day dedicated to rewarding students for their excellent effort on state assessments. As time goes by, we would like to reach out into the community by advocating in favor of groups in need and providing assistance through fundraisers. In addition, we would also like to offer greater incentive for students and community members to attend sporting events by conducting raffles and other contests.


Students are nominated by and elected in to Stuco by their classmates in their homeroom classes. Each homeroom elects a representative and an alternate, who also attends all meetings. Students must stay eligible by maintaining a 70% or above in all classes the entire year. Individuals running for offices (by choice) are elected by the Stuco members only. The homeroom elections and officer elections, are usually held the first part of September.


Student Council is one of many great happenings at Paola Middle School. We are always looking for good leaders.

Sponsor: Johnny Hull